Welcome to the page of Kayakfisher, your fishing guide for a unique fishing trip from a Hobie kayak, in the middle of the Netherlands or in the region of southwest Friesland. For example I fish on the river Rhine (near Wijk bij Duurstede), the small rivers near Utrecht: Kromme Rijn, De Vecht or De Eem (near Amersfoort), the lake Gooimeer, river De Overijsselse Vecht (near Zwolle) or on the lakes and watterways in the region of southwest Friesland (cities Heeg and Sneek).

On this page you will read more about the possibilities to fish from out of a Hobie kayak. I have 4 of these kayaks and can take 4 people on a trip.

But I offer more; a workshop for zander fishing from the shore and streetfishing in the cities Utrecht, Amersfoort, Bolsward and Sneek.
Opportunities and prices Fishing from the kayak
Fishing from the kayak is a special experience and is suitable for both the experienced and the beginner. The beginner learns to fish vertically, to fish with the drophot, to fish with the fireball and to fish with the Carolina rig. But also experienced predator anglers, who want to concentrate with different techniques specifically on zander, pike or perch, will have a wonderful day while fishing in a kayak.

An entire day of fishing from the kayak costs including material
€ 110 for one person. On top of this amount is added 9% VAT. If you are with more people (4 is the maximum) you pay € 90 for the second and third person. On top of this amount is added 9% VAT. A whole day of fishing means that we fish about 7 hours.
Half a day of fishing from the kayak (about 4 hours fishing) costs all inclusive materials € 80 per person. On top of this amount is added 9% VAT. The maximum number of persons is 4.
Street Fishing
Street fishing in a city is already an experience in itself, with all the fun around you. It is also a very nice way to fish; you wallk with light fishinggear from place to place through the city. In addition, catches in number, type and size are often surprising.
I offer street fishing in the cities Utrecht, Amersfoort, Bolsward and Sneek. The price for one person is € 90 a day (for 7 hours). A 2nd, 3rd or 4th person pays € 70. 9% VAT is added on top of the stated amount.
The costs for half a day are € 75 (approximately 4 hours). A 2nd, 3rd, 4th person pays € 60. On top of this amount is added 9% VAT.
For an evening session (approximately 3 hours) the costs are € 50. On top of this amount is added 9% VAT.

The used techniques are vertical fishing, throwing a shad on a lightweight jighead or plug, and fishing with the Carolina rig.
Zander fishing workshop
Even for the experienced predator angler the zander is often a fish that is difficult to catch. For those who (better) want to learn fishing on zander but do not want to go kayaking, I also give zander fishing workshops from the shore. In the middle of the Netherlands we fish nearby the beautiful city Wijk bij Duurstede. As it is of course also possible to catch a pike or perch from the shore, for example from a quay along a canal or in a harbor. For this I charge € 75 per person. On top of this amount is added 9% VAT. During this workshop we will be fishing for 4 hours and you will be familiarized with various techniques, such as vertical fishing, fishing with the drop shot and casting fishing. On request we can also fish with the fireball and the Carolina rig.

Zander during the Zander fishing workshop
Additional costs
The above prices do not include the cost of petrol required if you would like to fish outside the central region of the Netherlands or southwest Friesland. When planning an appointment, I tell you about the extra costs so you will never be surprised.
Fishing license
The necessary license, usually a VISpas or day pass, is not included in the mentioned prices. You have to take care of it yourself. Of course, I can tell you what kind of permission you need for a given water and how you can get the permission. Children under 14 years do not require permission if they fish under my guidance.

More information about the VISpas and the waters in which you can fish with this pass can be found here: vispas.nl.